Meditative Games

There’s a small subset of games that trigger some weird zen focus state for me. I call them incidentally meditative or flow inducing games. This page lists them and tries to explain the subjective mechanisms that make this happen.
- 04/12/21 — Added Teon
- 03/18/20 — It's Just Mowing added
- 12/26/19 — Endless Drive added
- 12/22/19 — Perceived Triggers sub list added
- 12/15/19 — List published
The List
- American Truck Simulator
I play this in the on easy because I suck at driving games using an automatic gearbox. I have no interest in the sim part of the game, usually playing it just by doing long-haul jobs and listening to something chill on the in-game radio.
- Audiosurf
Rhythm-based arcade game. Music-based games are an easy way to get your brain into a flow state, but Audiosurf is even better. I play it on the hard mode, usually with hardcore electro tracks.
- Diablo 3
I have been playing Diablo 3 on and off since it launched. I get in a very meditative state when playing with a character build I know by heart — flying from mob to mob, pressing the buttons in the same order, always moving and looting. The adventure mode is perfect for this — cutting downtime and lore noise — and the streamlined inventory and enchanting system make it even better.
- Desert golfing
My most-played mobile game. Simple physics-based golfing with no frills, story, or fanfare. As soon you get the ball into the hole, you are presented with the next one. Perfect for long flights.
- Endless drive
A car, a procedurally-generated road, and me there to drive it. The closest thing to American Truck Simulator on the mobile. It’s a driving game, not a racing one—perfect attention texture for podcast listening.
- It’s Literally Just Mowing
Awesome game (with some IAPs) to play under COVID-9 quarantine. Not much besides mowing the lawn.
- Teon
This one could be called "The generic 90's Korean PC MMO in a mobile format." I have been playing leisurely as a ranger, with quests like "Please kill 700 old stone golem". It's bliss. Very slow, very simple, just headphones on and grind grind grind.
Perceived triggers
- Rhythmically uninterrupted
I should be able to play the game for a long time without being presented with a game over screen or any other blocker. It should be repetitive and have a singular rhythm to it. Games like Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution excel with this, but I usually suck at playing them.
- Little to no storytelling
I should not be interrupted by cut scenes or required to make life-and-death decisions that change the game's flow.
- Challenging but not punitive
Games must be easy but not trivial. They should be balanced so I feel that my actions matter without being constantly punished. Mastery would be the predominant feeling.
- Streamlined engagement loop
I shouldn’t spend time jumping through many in-game systems to play it. If I’m driving, that’s everything I’m going to do; if I’m killing monsters, I should not be asked to spend time reviewing pages of stats to pick a weapon upgrade.